LAN Logic
61Α, Katechaki str., Athens
Τel. +30 2106546608
Fax. +30 2106546606
Email: info@lanlogic.gr
WiFi Hot Spot with Captive Portal
Nowadays wireless access to the Internet is a default provision that all hotels and accommodation facilities of any size should offer their clients.
LAN Logic is able to provide its customers a comprehensive solution of secure and controlled wireless access to the Internet, on a very affordable cost.
We install an open source Firewall with Captive Portal, to a common, low cost PC in order to control access. When a user is connected to the wireless network, the software redirects him to a web page where he has to insert a username and a password. If the credentials provided are correct, user obtains controlled access to the Internet, based on the policies configured. In case the username and/or password are not valid, access to the Internet and the local network is forbidden.
This solution’s main advantage is that through a user–friendly interface, software enables the creation of unique username and password for each client, both of which are valid for a specific and configurable time period.
For the wireless network we use low cost Access Points, of well known manufacturers, chosen based on customers’ needs.