LAN Logic
61Α, Katechaki str., Athens
Τel. +30 2106546608
Fax. +30 2106546606
Email: info@lanlogic.gr
About LAN Logic
LAN Logic was founded by people with a long – lasting experience in the field of network communications as well as in the field of IT services. Located in Athens, LAN Logic is specialized in the fields of IT services and telecommunications around Greece.
LAN Logic is distinguished for the innovative solutions that provides in cutting-edge technologies, solutions that meet important business requirements and needs, by providing integrated infrastructure for organizations of all kinds.
LAN Logic’s solutions ensure the unified support of established business applications, the integration of enterprise network as well as the uniformity in service provision, in order to protect the organization’s investment and offer reliability and excellent functionality.
LAN Logic’s main goal is to provide integrated and efficient services to its customers. In order to succeed its goal, LAN Logic relies on its human resources, on its continuous growth that is fed by the market’s needs, and of course on its specialized but in the same time comprehensive knowledge of the technological object.